"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." - Romans 12:11
As January came to a close, and New Year's Resolutions went seemingly out the window for many folks I know (did you know that on average, most resolutions made on January 1st are broken by January 9th?) I realized how easily I could compare many things in my life to those first few weeks in January. How many times I've started something - learning to play the piano, not gossiping (even when it's really juicy), cooking a new recipe every day, avoiding a weekly purchase of The Enquirer, spending 15 minutes a day gardening, getting up an extra hour early to pray, etc. - only to have my own personal January 9th come rolling around, just like clockwork.
I have a good friend whose resolution every year is to not make a resolution. And while the joke gets old (hate to break the news...) I do understand where my friend is coming from, because she knows deep down, she's setting herself up for failure. I suppose if we substituted another word for "resolution", more people may get on board with making a change or setting a goal. Maybe we could call them, "New Year's Probablies" or "New Year's Good Ideas" or "New Year's Most Likely to Make it for Six Months, but Not Holding My Breath Until December 31st, Thoughts."
We can put plenty of pressure on ourselves to make those seemingly enormous and life-altering changes (you know, like walking 20 minutes a day). Keeping your goal realistic, realizing your limitations and recognizing where your struggles will be throughout the year, will help you stay on track. Another tip I learned from Dr. Oz? Make yourself accountable by telling someone what your plan is.
One of my "probablies" was to spend more time prayer journaling. When I started (on January 4th - better late than never, right?) I realized how much my prayer journaling was turning into a devotional. This brought to mind the New Year's Probably from mid-2009 - blogging my devotionals. I had completely fallen off the writing daily wagon, choosing to fill some of that spare time with things like "Toddlers and Tiaras" and painting my toenails. Ugh. The guilt was as heavy as making the third round of Thanksgiving dinners. I knew it was time to work towards my goal again, and make myself more accountable for what I'd promised God.
So, here we are, February 2nd, and I'm getting on track. Does God mind that I'm late? Of course not; He doesn't care when you get back on track - just that you get there. And more importantly...stay there.
While many of my probablies will end up just that (I heard the snickers and my plan to jog 1,000 miles in 2012), I have decided to keep the phrase "resolution" for this one. God wants my resolve in sharing my faith, encouraging others, and being His hands and feet. So think of this as my 2012 kick-off memo...a promise of more to come. :)
PS - Please take a moment to read through my older stuff. Newer devos will be posted soon!
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