Four months ago, I got a tattoo. This wasn't my first, and much to my mom's chagrin, it probably won't be my last...but unlike the tattoos I chose at 18 or 19 years old, this one really did mean something to me. I had spent a fair amount of time contemplating whether or not I wanted to take the plunge and get the new ink; it had been 10 years (almost) since my last tattoo, and I started thinking I might be too old, or that it might not really fit the corporate environment I work in. After weighing the pros (many) and cons (none that couldn't be turned into pros), Evan made an appointment for a Saturday at 6pm.
It didn't take long; 15 minutes at best. I wasn't nervous, and it didn't hurt. When the artist was finished, he admired his work, and my choice: Romans 8:31, on the inside of my right forearm.
"...but if God is for us, who can be against us?"
This scripture has always been meaningful and important to me, but as I've grown in my faith and deepened my relationship with God, I have found myself living those words. I knew that no matter what obstacles I faced, mountains I climbed, blows I was dealt...God had my back. People would come into my life with agendas bent on hurting me or the ones I loved...but they were nothing to be afraid of, because God was on my side. Knowing that He is with me through every peak and valley keeps me going. It gives me the strength to carry on, it gives me the joy that I want to share with others, and it gives me the love I want to give the whole wide world. God loves me, and I love Him.
Now, some people like tattoos, some people hate tattoos, and some people couldn't care less. Not long after I had this done, an acquaintance noticed the new ink and commented, " know you've just branded yourself a Christian, right?"
Branded? Well, what's so wrong with that? Her statement caught me a little off guard (although she's never been one to hide what she's thinking, so I'm not sure why it surprised me...a graceful Southern belle she is not!) and I wasn't quite sure how to respond. I'm certain I said something along the lines of, "Well, I am a Christian."
Later, reflecting on her words that may or may not have been intentionally negative, I realized something. I wasn't branding myself a Christian. I was declaring myself a Christian. I was declaring the love, joy, happiness, strength, passion, hope and healing that I know, because Christ is my savior. Who wouldn't want to know about it? Should from the rooftops about it? Share the good news with every single person they encountered? I felt some guilt and shame for not recognizing what was, in that small conversation, the perfect opportunity to tell her why being a Christian is so incredibly awesome. But I knew I wouldn't let that chance pass me by again.
In the past few months, my tattoo has led to many chats about my faith and God's love, and I've even had four deep and meaningful conversations with total strangers. Each and every one professed their faith, their love of God, and the things He's done in their lives. It has also presented the opportunity for me to explain the scripture, and what God's love is all about.
Tattoos aren't for everyone, and I'm not encouraging you all to run out and get fresh ink (although it would be kinda cool, right?) but, I've found that what was originally something I was doing just for myself has turned into something that has allowed me to witness and fellowship with others. You certainly don't need a tattoo to do that...but just think of those ways we can visually express our love and joy, and what conversations those expressions could lead to.
I know I want to declare it. I know I want to shout it into a great, big megaphone, and tell the world all about how awesome our God truly is. But I suppose for now, I'll settle for conversations in the check-out lane at Publix. Even the tiniest of seeds can grow into a mighty oak, right?